Thursday, May 8, 2008

My new bike

And so it happened.
After so much hassle, endless phone calls and traveling around - there it is.
My new bike - Suzuki Intruder VS400.

The bike looked really good in the ad so I grabbed my mobile and called the owner.
We quickly agreed on the meeting time frame so just after the work I paid a visit to the bank.
An hour later Alan-the-tester appeared at my place - we got into the car and off we drove.
The owner of the bike lives in Borris-in-Ossory, County Laois so getting there took us bit over 1.5 h. The owner was very nice, the bike looked great, sounded great and drove great. What else should I look for? I paid the price, Alan jumped on the bike, I into the car and back to Dublin we drove.
We were back at my house around 22:30. Good ride, almost empty motorway so my Yaris had sweat a bit along the way. ;)
Alan told me that the bike was running very smoothly and it was a really good ride - I'm certainly glad to hear that! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.